A lot of people assume you only need to go to the optometrist when your vision is blurry. While this is one of the most common reasons people consult, here are others that you may not be aware of:

  • Constant Headaches

Conditions such as astigmatism, farsightedness, accommodation (focusing) difficulties, and binocular vision (the ability of the two eyes to work together) difficulties can result in headaches, and may not always affect your vision.

  • Glare Sensitivity

Lights appearing too bright when you drive at night might be a sign of astigmatism (oddly shaped cornea)

  • Eyes getting sore and tired while reading.

If you can’t read for long, you may have binocular vision or accommodation difficulties, these don’t usually affect the clarity of your vision, but maintaining focus close up becomes difficult.

  • Being Diabetic or Hypertensive

Diabetes and high blood pressure can cause sight-threatening changes at the back of the eye, and these can only be detected during an eye exam.

  • Having a blood relative with Glaucoma

Glaucoma tends to be hereditary, and prevention of vision loss depends on early detection. If your parent or grandparent has or had glaucoma, get your eyes tested regularly to make sure your eyes are healthy.

Contact us for an appointment.