Eye Protection

We often take our eyes for granted, not protecting them enough in everyday situations. Sometimes just being aware of what could go wrong is enough to force you in to action. Sport is one of the biggest causes of eye...

Diabetes and Diet

Diabetes and Diet Diet plays a major role in the development of Diabetes. Eating habits are often entrached in us from an early age, so even when we are grown, and know better, it becomes very difficult to make life...

Treatment for floaters

Treatment Most eye floaters don’t need to be treated. While learning to cope with them costs some time and frustration, many people are able to ignore them more easily over time. When floaters are so large or so numerous they...

When to worry about floaters

When to consult Eye floaters and flashes in the eye are an urgent matter for your optometrist, especially if they appear suddenly. They often signal retinal detachments, which could cause blindness. You should always mention any vision changes or eye...

What Causes Floaters

What causes floaters? Most of the time, age-related changes in your vitreous are the cause of eye floaters. As your eyes get older, the vitreous jelly deteriorates: it becomes more liquid, starts to sag and pull away from the inside...


Floaters are a common complaint. What are they, should you worry about them or not? The next three posts will attempt to answer these questions. First…. What are eye floaters—and what are they doing in my eye? Eye floaters appear...

Children’s development

“A child is taught nothing- he learns everything- and vision is the supreme mechanism a child possesses for the interpretation of his world. All other mechanisms are important for a total child, but they are all subservient to vision”-Getman. This...

Laser Surgery

CONSIDERING LASER SURGERY A lot of people who wear very thick specs often ask about lasik. It is a good option for people who are very myopic (nearsighted) however, as with any procedure, there are no guarantees. To be a...

Diabetes Newsletter

Our first diabetes newsletter will be sent out on monday, if you want it in your inbox, send an email to info@tekozaoptom.co.za with “Subscribe diabetes” as subject, otherwise it will be posted on our facebook page and on the website....

Cataract Surgery

Cataract Surgery Basics (allaboutvision) In cataract surgery, the lens inside your eye that has become cloudy is removed and replaced with an artificial lens (called an intraocular lens or IOL in short) to restore clear vision. The procedure typically is...